The Long Island Seed Project

2011 Catalog of Seeds
Seed List for Adventurous Gardeners and Farmer Breeders

By requesting any of the described seeds  below you are agreeing that any seeds that you receive from are to be used for experimental purposes only.  Most of the seed we distribute or produce is derived from mass crosses, segregating F2 hybrids or are seed mixes and unstable breeding lines which are primarily of interest to the backyard seed breeder and garden experimenter who wants access to a larger gene pool. We do exchange seeds with other breeders. Contact us.

If you recognize a problem with the germination or performance of the seed please let us know immediately. All of our seed is untreated.  Use the link to "Ordering" from the Home Page to request seed and make payment by PayPal.

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  Catalog Contents

Allium:  Onion, Scallion, Winter Leek
Amaranth:  Leaf and Grain Types
Apiaceae:  Carrots, Celery, Fennel, Parsnip
Asteraceae: Chicory, Endive and Lettuce
Asteraceae:  Artichoke, Cardoon
Brassica: Broccoli, Mustard, Turnip, Rutabaga, Radish
Brassica:  Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Collards, Kale
Chenopodiacea:  Beets, Spinach and Chard
Cucurbitaceae: Cucumbers and Melons
Cucurbitaceae: Summer Squash
Cucurbitaceae:  Winter Squash
Cucurbitaceae:  Pumpkins
Fabaceae:  Garden Beans, Lima Beans, Peas
Fabaceae: Fava Bean, Soy Bean, Runner Bean, Asparagus Bean
Lamiaceae: Basil
Malvaceae:  Okra
Poaceae:  Sweet Corn
Poaceae: Foliage Corn
Poaceae:  Parching Corn, Popcorn, Sorghum
Solaceacea:  Tobacco
Solanaceae:  Pepper,
Solanaceae:  Tomatoes and Eggplant
Solanaceae:  Garden Huckleberry, Tomatillo
Others Groups

Last Update:  Feb., 2011

Seed Listing:

Family: Alliaceae (The Onion Family)

Genus: Allium
Hardy/Half hardy biennial. Allium seed should be sown early indoors and transplanted into the garden in spring. They are slow growers initially and do not compete well with weeds. Most alliums are tolerant of a light frost. Leek and some scallions can over-winter (with protection in severe winter climates) to provide seeds the following year. Some scallions are perennial/dividing kinds and can produce multiple seed crops. While some bulbing onions can survive mild winters mulched, most should be over-wintered in a frost-free location (but cold) to be replanted in the next spring. Leeks can be root-cellared. Flowers are insect pollinated so crossing within the same allium species can be rampant without isolation. We continue to work with bulb onions which is a major crop for us.

Leek (Allium ampeloprasum)

   MULTILINE CROSS-LI Hardy Leek Blend
We searched for leeks in Europe and found many distinct older cultivars. We planted these and wintered the hardiest over in the field then allowed them to cross. Some of these are rapid growers and just great for summer greens; all are nice winter storage varieties. There is quite a bit of diversity here. Long white shanks are blanched when hilled or mulched as they grow in the field. Included is St. Victor and it's crosses that will develop a purple tinge to the foliage in cold weather. You may find some oddities as we do; those leeks that produce especiallly large and tender bulbs at the base (like elephant garlic) and an occasional leek that produces a mix of flowers and bulbils on the flower head. When we have more time both of these would be nice to isolate. (150 seeds)

Scallion, Onion Greens (Allium cepa and Allium fistulosum )

  BLEND-Long Island Scallion Mix
Mixture of green onions or scallions. Summer kinds as well as perennials that have proven very winter hardy. Some may reseed for you, some will keep dividing. Some are simply the "greens" of milder bulbing varieties. From our production.  Not too diverse. We are hoping that some new kinds we have in the field will overwinter to produce more diversity in this mix for fall 2010.  (200 seeds)

Bulb Onion Mix
Seeds from our bank of onion cultivars; many colors, sizes, hard and soft kinds, the emphasis on varieties suited for polar of 35° latitude although some day neutral types are here, only for experimentation. (200 seeds)

Family: Amaranthaceae (The Amaranth Family)

Genus: Amaranth

Annual. Some species self sow. Establish seedbeds by lightly scattering seed in full sun in spring or plant out seedlings in early summer. Keep soil moist until the young seedlings are up and established. After that they can tolerate dry conditions. Seeds will germinate when soil temperature is 60°F. Wind and also insect pollination. Hybridization is well known but usually maintains it's integrity as a species. Likes warmth. Cut seed-heads when seeds are full and mature, lay on tarp in protected, dry area and allow to shatter. We use screens and a breezy day to remove chaff from seed.

Amaranth Spinach aka tampala, hon-toi-moi, chinese spinach (Usually A. tricolor, A. lividus, A. gangeticus, A. creuntus and hybrids)

  BLEND- LI Amaranth Leaf Mix
We have a half dozen kinds mostly from tropical asia; use the young shoots and pinch back for successive new growth. (300 seeds).

Amaranth Grain (A. hypochondriacus, A. cruentus, A. edulis , A. caudatus and hybrids)

  BLEND- LI Amaranth Grain Mix
Some of the variations you will find in this blend will allow you to select for your own particular requirements.  The principle grain crop of the Aztecs, it has outstanding nutritional qualities.  These are all white seeded types and produce great quantities of grain given good growing conditions. Try popping some seed to serve with honey.  Some gardeners will grow these as a background plant in flower beds because of the beauty of their large and sometimes colorful inflorescence.  We enjoy the ornamental value as well as the edible quality as we work with this group. Many kinds including ancient cultivars.  (150 seeds)

Family: Apiaceae (The Parsley Family)

Genus: Apium

Celery is a Hardy/Half hardy biennial. Sow the seed early indoors and transfer the plants out in spring. Slow growers at first, they require care. Celery enjoys rich, moist soils. They are tolerant of a light frost and can be over-wintered with protection such as mulching or earth mounding or may be stored in the root cellar. They will produce small flowers in small umbellate clusters and copious seed. An easy seed crop. Insect pollinated, all celery will cross with one another.

BLEND- Blanching Celery (Stalk Kinds) Mixed- usually hilled and blanched for tender stalks. Requires care in starting seed and a long period of growth until the plant becomes more resiliant. In a future project we will be crossing herb celery with salad celery for better home garden varieties. (100 seeds).

Herb Celery aka cutting celery, leaf celery (Apium graveolens)

  BLEND-Herb Celery Mix
Bushy plants resemble parsley. A multitude of long medium sized stalks and many large leaves characterize this group used for their aromatic leaves in soups and flavorful seed when wintered over as a biennial.  They have mild, chewy stalks which are fine diced and used in salads like stalk celery. The leaves like parsley can be minced and added to fresh salads as well. Much easier to grow compared to stalk celery. We will be working with this group a lot in the future. European and asian cutting celerys are included in this mix. Next year we hope to be able to provide crosses.  (100 seeds)

BLEND- Root Celery (Celeriac) Mix- used for the solid root which is sliced and boiled, roasted with other root vegetables or grated to use fresh. (100 seeds)
Genus: Daucus
Carrot (Daucus carota) Hardy biennial. Sow in the spring in the open ground. Tolerant of frosts. Roots can be harvested and root cellared for replanting and seed crops or left in the ground and mulched depending on climate to produce seed the next year. Insect pollinated. Easily crosses with wild carrot (D. carota) which will reduce root quality.

BLEND- Orange Carrot Standards
World's best carrots, orange color, some variety of shapes, variable adaption to soil types and climate fresh eating, summer and fall harvest, some winter storage kinds. Many different strains of Danvers, Nantes, Chantenay, Kuroda, Oxheart and more.  Select your best roots to over-winter and plant out for seed the second year. This is the diversity you need to find the best performing type for your soil and growing conditions. I am surprised to see young carrot seedlings as microgreens used to flavor salads. (400 seeds)

  MULTILINE CROSS-  Long Island Early Color Mix
The objective of our breeding project was to cross many kinds of colorful carrots with the sweetest early maturing Nantes snacking types. This simple mass cross was quite a success and produced a dazzling display of snacking carrots that guests thought were quite tasty. We still have some seed from the initial mass cross and the F2 generation will be available in 2011. (200 seeds)

Genus: Foeniculum
Fennel is a hardy biennial or perennial which will produce seed the first season if planted early.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) aka fenocchio, florence fennel, anise fennel

BLEND- Fennel Cross
We have worked with the varieties from southern Europe which produce inflated leaf stem (petiole) bases sometimes improperly called "bulbs" which are sliced and used raw or cooked as one might use carrot strips. This year we allowed them to cross with our reseeding bed of herb fennel, which produce green, gray and bronze lacy foliage used to flavor greek dishes,sauces, and soups.  There should be a lot of diversity here. Produced on Flanders Bay Farm.(100 seeds)

Genus:  Anethum
Dill  (Anethum graveolens)

HERB- Dill (CV- Long Island Mammoth)
Dill is a fast grower, it's feathery leaves are used to flavor dill butter and added to salads, dips, baked fish and more, seeds known best for the flavor imparted to pickles.  We could not abstain to offer the genuine Mammoth Dill which can indeed grow to several feet in height.  Long Island was one of the largest pickling centers in America in the 1800's when hundreds of acres of cucumbers were brined and dilled, then sent to markets in New York City and Boston.  There was the last of the large "pickle works" still operating in Farmingdale when I was still a kid and I remember the wonderful aroma of dill and vinegar that greeted you when you walked into the huge wooden warehouse where the barrels of curing cukes were stacked high.  There have been reports that fennel and dill are so closely related that they are capable of hybridizing.  I haven't seen that. LI Mammoth Dill is an easy seed crop for the home gardener or farm.  (150 seeds)

Family: Asteraceae (The Sunflower family)

Genus: Cynara

Tender perennial, treated as annual. Start early (Jan) from seed indoors, transplant into 4" pots, expose to cold weather (40°) in March/April to vernalize -produce flowers (but protect from very low temperaures). Plant in rich soil, black plastic mulch helps in accelerating growth in spring. In hot summer, mulching and irrigation helps to cool roots and prevent heat dormancy. Blossoms are insect pollinated and when flower matures and dries on stalk harvest seeds. Roots must be protected (below 20°F) for winter survival. Second year plants provide a bigger harvests, spring buds and a better opportunity for maturing ripe seed. Seeds of Cynara species will produce an interesting variable population.  

BLEND- Globe Artichoke Mix- as a service for breeders we have this blend from our seed bank; our climate doesn't permit us to do work with the artichokes (40 seeds)  

BLEND- Cardoon Mix- as a service for breeders we have this blend from our seed bank; our climate doesn't permit us to do work with this group (40 seeds)

Genus: Lactuca

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Half Hardy Annual. Sow in the spring, tolerates light frost, transplants well. Bolts first year, produces an easy seed crop. I don''t find a lot of crossing but I'm sure it can.


  CV- Asparagus Lettuce (Celtuce)
Similar to Yu Mai with wider leaves and a stalk that becomes taller and thicker and can be sripped of lower leaves, peeled and eaten as a wonderful crispy salad treat. (100 seeds)

  CV- Yu Mai Mix (Sword Lettuce)
The plants resemble the head of a palm with so many narrow, long sword-like leaves emerging from the low central crunchy stalk.  We find these little lettuces mild and long lasting. There may also be wider leaved Asparagus kinds in this mix (100 seeds)

  CV- Vanguard 75
Developed by USDA-Salinas, we received our start from NOFA-NY who distributed it as a variety to evaluate for organic systems as part of the Organic Seed Partnership.  We've now grown two different strains which are both very similar.  Over the past three years we've raised enough seed to make it available to others. It easily forms big leafy bright green heads but needs irrigation on our sandy soils for the best performance. A good Iceberg for organic gardeners which has not shown disease or insect damage in the field.  (100 seeds)

  HEIRLOOM-  Tom Thumb
We enjoy these fit in your palm-sized single serving size instant salads. Soft heads known for their buttery goodness and a crispy heart are desirable traits as well as the ease of producing a good crop. Kids love to make their own salads from the tiny heads. Although seed is readily available, we produce our own quality seed since it's so easy to do.  A nice sustainable variety for us.  (200 seeds) 

  Asian Wraper Lettuce
A mix of red and green maer lettuce used especially where large leaves are desired for holding and wrapping food. Might be good for low carb diets. Think outside the bun.  (100 seeds)

Herb Marigold  
CV- Tagetes minuta
Tall upright marigold plant to 10 feet with very small flowers used as a soil disinfectant (said to reduce nematode populations in the soil) or as a deer and pest deterrant. It is aromatic used in the perfume industry and also as a culinary herb dating back to Incan use. Known as huacatay, a paste is used to flavor potato dishes in some parts of South America. The taste and odor of fresh Tagetes minuta is described as "a mixture of sweet basil, tarragon, mint and citrus". It is also used as a medicinal tea. Will not bloom until late fall; we pull plant to bring indoors and ripen seeds on the stalk before frost .  (40 seeds)

Herb Chrysanthemum
CV- Garland Chrysanthemum
'Chrysanthemum coronarium' also known as Edible Mum. This is an herbal or salad chrysanthemum from Eastern Asia. Very aromatic and flavorful. Fresh or dried flowers used makes a bitter tea; Considered a healthful addition to soups, stri-fry and addition to omelettes. Nice as an early salad microgreen. Pretty flowers. Our strain has thicker more succulent leaves than others we've grown. Easy seed crop. .  (30 seeds)

Family: Chenopodiaceae (The Goosefoot Family)

Genus: Beta

Beets and Chard are usually biennial. In mild winter areas it is possible to obtain seed by planting in summer, and allowing the plants to over-winter; they will bolt to flower the following spring. In cold climates, the plants must be mulched or dug before the ground freezes hard and then stored to replant the following spring. Beet can be planted in the spring and will survive light frosts. Beet and chard are the same species. They easily cross and are wind pollinated.
BLEND- Beet Mix- a mixture of many varieties of beet; some variety in color and shape, some crosses produced on the farm. (200 seeds)
BLEND- Chard Mix- a mixture of many varieties of leaf beet or chard including the perpetual spinach kinds, rhubarb colors and a variety of green shades. (200 seeds)

Genus: Spinacia

SPINACH (Spinacia oleracea)
Hardy Annual.

  HEIRLOOM- Sharp Seeded Spinach
We grow this variety mostly because of it's historical significance.  It was the spinach of Thomas Jefferson's time.  The seeds have prickly spines unlike most of today's varieties. Gives us great pains to harvest seed!  It is an easy bolter in the spring and we have found it far better when sown in fall for an early winter harvest or to overwinter.  Hardy.  (50 seeds)
BLEND- Spinach Mix- a mixture of many kinds of spinach from many sources. (200 seeds)

Family: Fabaceae (The Legume Family)

Vicia faba

BLEND- Mixture of Fava Beans- diversity of the Fava Beans in a single packet (40 seeds)

Genus: Glycine

SOYBEAN, EDAMAME (Glycine max)

    BLEND- Edamame Mix
Many kinds of soybeans to serve as Edamame (40 seeds)

Genus: Phaseolus

Beans are sensitive to cold temperatures and frost. They should be planted after all danger of frost is past in the spring and soil temperatures reach 60°F. Plant seeds of bush beans 2 to 4 inches apart in rows 24 inches apart. Plant seeds of pole beans 4 to 6 inches apart in rows 30 to 36 inches apart along a fence; or in hills around a pole (four to six seeds per hill) 30 inches apart. Beans are mostly self-pollinating so you should be able to save seed from particular plants in the row. For seed crops, let the bean pods dry right on the plant until late fall. If the climate has high humidity or your crop is in danger of being blanketed by snow, pull the plants and hang them upside down in a shed or other protected location with good air circulation. When the pods are brittle dry you can shell them.

RUNNER BEAN  (Phaseolus coccineus)

BLEND- English Runner Bean Mix
Rich soil, cool weather and ample moisture allow the European/English Runner Beans to produce bumper crops.  (30 seeds)

Common Garden Bean aka French Bean, String Beans, Dry Beans, Bush Bean, Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

  BLEND- Bush Garden Beans (round pod and flat pods)
We put together quite a selection of bush garden beans (dwarf french) from many sources including our own production of the more unusual kinds.  Look at each plant for the qualities that you admire and save the seed of those that you like the most for replanting next season. Mostly green, some yelllow (wax) and purple pod; all stringless kinds, very good quality pods.  (100 seeds)

   BLEND- Pole Bean Blend
The garden wouldn't be the same without climbing pole beans.  The diversity of this blend will delight you.  Narrow and wide pods, purples, yellows, greens and striped kinds.  All of the varieties have been selected for their good flavor and high yields.  Harvest the pods young and often for the best quality and extended harvest.  Provide poles or a fence to climb on. Make note of your favorites so that you can target them especially for your future seed crop.  There are over a dozen varieties in this mix. (40 seeds)

Genus: Pisum

Garden Pea, Snow Pea, Snap Pea (Pisum sativum)
Hardy Annual. Sow early. Plants withstand light frost, germinate at low temperatures. Mostly self pollinating.

  BLEND- Garden Pea Blend
English peas, shell them and enjoy them.   I can't help but open the pods in the garden to nibble on the fresh, tender little green peas.  All wrinkled seeded and sweet. Vines can be self supporting, less than 24" or a bit taller.  This blend does not contain the taller growing varieties.  Once you save the seed from this crop, next year's planting from your saved seeds will just get better. (100 seeds) 

BLEND- Snow Peas- Mixed- short and tall growing; these will require some support, when young their flat pods are edible. (100 seeds)

BLEND- Snap Peas- Mixed- mostly low growing kinds of peas that are harvested for the tender swollen, succulent pods. (100 seeds)

Genus: Vigna
Tender Annual. Prefers warm soil and growing conditions.
YARDLONG BEAN (Vigna unguiculata)

    BLEND-Yard Long Bean Blend- Climbing
These are a kind of cowpea (Vigna) that have been selected for their long thin green (or red-purple) beans in the Orient. They are of excellent flavor and tenderness when harvested young (12-24" long) before pods swell with the developing seed.  These do very well on Long Island's sandy soils, better when irrigated.  Their productivity is greatest during the hot summer days. Versitile, tender leaves can be cooked as a potherb, long and thin tender green beans are good steamed or stir-fry (loop into knots and bows for culinary art) and seeds are protein rich.  Seed crops are easy to produce on Long Island and we maintain about 10 different kinds.  (40 seeds)

CV- Yard Long Bean- Stickless Wonder

This is a small brown seeded kind that produces dwarf plants. I like this one from the orient a lot. (40 seeds)

Family:  Lamiaceae (mint family)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

HERB-  Basil Blend
An impressive assortment of a dozen basils with surprising scents,  flavors and growh forms.  The Italian pesto kinds and other culinary favorites predominate but there will also be those with citrus undertones and very spicy indian and asian kinds. (100 seeds)

Family:  Malvaceae (The Mallow Family)

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

    BLEND- Northern Okra Mix
This summer our okra patch was nothing less than extrordinary.  We didn't have a problem producing bumper crops even with the classic southern green heirlooms and red fruited kinds.  This is exciting since we were able to produce an intentional mass cross of a dozen varieties including very early Asian varieties.  This mix should provide ample genetics for new developments. Pretty mallow flowers. (40 seeds)

CV- English Mallow
This is a small leafed pink flowering mallow which is considered to be a healthful salad herb or a "green" to toss into soups. The pods also called a "cheeses" because of the flat, round seed capsule are tossed into salad. Looks a bit weedy in the garden. Very sustainable crop. (40 seeds)

Family: Brassicaceae (The Mustard Family)

Genus: Brassica

Broccoli aka Calabrese (Brassica oleracea-botrytis group)
Half hardy annual.

  BLEND- Broccoli Blend
We produced the first broccoli blend for gardeners in 1979 and marketed it through Long Island Seed Company.  It consisted of early, midseason and late kinds.  Gardeners liked the idea but the federal government didn't since I failed to list the specific percentages of each variety in the packet by weight; the rest is history.  Now, it seems that every seed company markets a broccoli blend!  This experimental blend includes some unusual kinds. There are well over a dozen kinds including some hybrids.  (40 seeds)

BRUSSELS SPROUTS (Brassica oleracea- gemmifera group)
Hardy/half hardy biennial.

     BLEND- Brussels Sprouts Blend
We found a treasure trove of sprout varieties including heirlooms and hybrids and have assembled a blend which even includes some purple types mostly as a curiosity (not known for being very productive).  Find the ones that do the best for you, eat some of the sprouts if you wish and root cellar the plants to over-winter and set out for seed production the next year.  See what you can develop if you want. (50 seeds) 

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Hardy/Half Hardy biennial.

  BLEND- Complete Cabbage Blend
Cabbages of all kinds, early, mid and late, red and green, savoyed and plain leaves, pointed and drumhead. They're all here- have fun! Sow some seed early, some seed in mid-summer.  Over winter your very best and grow them out for seed in the second year. (100 seeds) 

Collards (Brassica oleracea)
Hardy biennial.


BLEND- FBF Collard Cross
New for 2011 is a mass cross of leaf cabbages with good flavor and tenderness characteristics. These are nice early on when very young and then again when the cooler frosty weather sets in and they become sweet.  A pot of collard greens with ham and warm cornbread on a cold fall day is pure pleasure even for a northerner like me. Interesting material including some southern european "leaf cabbages" and also "greasy" wax leaf kinds. (60 seeds) 

CV- Southern Greasy Collard- we have some seeds of our production leftover from last year (50 seeds)

Kale aka Scotch Kale, Russian Kale, Scotch Kale, Ornamental Kale, Siberian Kale (Brassica napus, Brassica oleracea)
Hardy/Half Hardy biennial.

  BLEND- FBF Kale Crosses
This is a mixture of kale crosses that we produced from many kinds, tall and compact plants, many colors and growth forms including some that are considered so beautiful as to be considered ornamental. All edible and particularly so, after frost. A traditional winter meal of boiled kale and potatoes turns into a feast when the leftovers are chopped and spiced up a bit, then fried up in a butter/olive oil blend like one would prepare hash browns. (50 seeds) 

CROSS- Redbor x Winterbor F3- an attempt at dehybridization of two very nice frill leaf dwarf kales (50 seeds)

CV: De Lustof Kale
Lieven David sent me seed of what he calls a "Fodder Kale", the kind of kale that is grown mostlly for livestock, chickens love these kinds of greens when there isn't much else to forage. Lieven is a backyard plant breeder in Belgium. He explained, "My fodder kale story is like this: two plants emerged on my field 4 years ago. My only reasonable explanation, after eliminating all other options: some bird must have sown them. These kales grew 1 m tall, and they had white flowers. They may have come from some OP or F1 somewhere, but then there weren't any fodder kale seed crops nearby. Anyway, these two plants produced a nice load of seeds. The next generation turned out to be exactly the same...quite a lot of Lusthof customers are growing this fodder kale, and perhaps saving seeds." . Interesting! The white flowers mentioned by Lievon indicate a Brassica alboglabra or white flowered Asian Kale. I am curious if this is an Asian/European cross since B. oleracea (yellow flowered European Kales) will cross with B. alboglabra-Gailon (taxonomists; in fact, consider these to be the same species). White flowers seem dominant in crosses I have made. Plants grow very large and produce a plant much like a collard. The greens are suitable to use like collards. These are original breeder seeds.
(50 seeds)

Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa-campestris, B. pekinenis)
Half hardy Annual

BLEND-Chinese Heading/Semi-Heading Cabbage Mix
We were happy to discover these great barrel, round or cylindric head cabbages with fairly compact self-blanching hearts. Shred for slaw or stir-fry. Discover their versatility. We have over a dozen cultivars that we mix for you to experiment with and we do mean experiment.  You will have to determine the cultural practices that allow you to bring these to the best quality.  Many kinds will bolt unless grown as a quick crop under the cooler days before frost, few will succeed in summer heat.  Is there one kind in your diverse planting that does well for you; then, separate it out to produce seeds.(100 seeds)

Mustard Greens aka Mustard Spinach, Tender Green, Indian Mustard aka Leaf Mustard, Mizuna (Brassica juncea, Brassica perviridis, Brassica rapa-japonica)
Half Hardy Annual/Biennial.

BLEND-Mustard Greens Mix
A collection of mild to spicy greens from Asia as well as the US South, where cold tolerant mustard greens (and purples) provide a welcome easy to grow "greens" through the year.  Somewhere between asian cabbages and turnip greens.  Its difficult to draw the line since cabbages, pak choi, bok choi, mustard lettuce, mustards and turnip greens and raab are all related.  It all gets blurred when you realize that there are hundreds of these interesting greens utilized in central and eastern Asia for a variety of dishes and we're just beginning to realize that mustard is no longer just "Southern Curled".   This blend consists mostly of leafy kinds fine in soup or salad, boiled or steamed, layered in a sandwich with tomato, etc. We don't include the pak choi nor bok choi kinds with fleshy leaf petiole bases. (100 seeds)

Turnip aka Summer Turnip (Brassica rapa)
Half hardy biennial.

BLEND-Summer Turnip Blend
A assortment of small, quick growing turnips that produce tender, mostly white or yellowish round roots but also pink topped kinds and red ones and a few odd shapes.  Some of these are considered very mild and sweet when harvested in 30 days and make better eating than salad radishes. Others take more time to size up. They are used fresh and in soups, cooked with their  "greens", and stir fried.  The "greens" are considered choice.  (100 seeds)

Bok Choy aka Pak Choi, Chinese Mustard (Brassica rapa)
Hardy Annual.

BLEND- Pak Choi Mix
Pak Choi and some related similar kinds that are grown for their succulent white and green petioles and leafy tops; compact and tall forms. We have collected dozens of pak choi and similar kinds of oriental petiole mustards over the years.  Here is an interesting blend in which you are apt to find some especially suited to your stir fry needs.  Generally quick and easy to grow especially as a spring/early summer crop. (100 seeds) 

Rutabaga aka Swede Turnip, Fall Turnip (Brassica napus)

FBF Rutabaga Crosses
The large sweet turnips (also called "swede turnips") gathered in the fall and stored through the winter are a great favorite for Thanksgiving feasts, not summer turnips which are a different species.  Great when boiled and then mashed with a bit of butter and served alongside or with mashed potatoes or cubed in winter soups and stews.  We had a number of nice varieties in our seed bank which we allowed to cross. We produced a small seed crop in 2010 in order to create a more diverse gene pool. Enjoy. (100 seeds) 

Genus: Raphavus

Radish (Raphavus sativus)
Half Hardy Annual/biennial.

 May bolt and produce seed first year, roots of some varieties will not survive below 20°F freeze and must be wintered over in root cellar or some other way. Insect pollinated, will cross. When pods are inflated with seed, pull and lay on tarp, keep dry; over time, allow pods to become very dry and brittle to crush finely and process seed which will fall out and settle to the bottom of the chaff.
We are working with smooth leaf radishes to release at some later time. We are offering two seed mixtures this year.

BLEND- Early Mixed Radishes (100 seeds)

BLEND- Late Asian Radishes (100 seeds) 

Family: Poaceae (The Grass Family)

CORN (Zea mays)
Tender Annual. Wind pollinated, all Zea mays will easily cross if shedding pollen at the same time. We have been working to develop some wonderful diverse sweet corn mixes for your breeding work but our problems with persistant raccoons make offering seed slim until we get a new fence up.

Corn- Decorative Foliage Types

  CV- Old Gold Stripe
A truly great corn developed from Old Gold, a great corn that came to us via the Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center.  This is a field corn, mostly dent which produces large ears of cattle corn.  Leaves are green with bright gold stripes.  Can grow 5-6 feet tall. Rouge out plants that don't have the expected coloration before their tassels produce pollen that will deteriorate the quality of the others if allowed to cross.  Limited. (60 seeds)

Corn- Popcorn

  SELECT: FBF Autumn Delight
Full sized popcorn kernels on a full size 8" cob and in a variety of autumn colors.  Developed at FBF primarily as a popcorn of good quality and expansion ratio as well as an ornamental and festive "Indian Corn", a decorative variety of long-lasting flint corn for Thanksgiving Holiday decor.  Tall sturdy stalks.  Shows promise as an early and productive kind which resists borers. Developed on Flanders Bay Farm.  (60 seeds)


Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

    HEIRLOOM BLEND- Sweet Sorghum Blend
An assortment of sorghums which produce tall grassy stalks similar to sweet corn.  Start the seed in small blocks in a protected area to transplant when an inch or so high for a better stand in the field. Use as a background and in the fall there will be seed heads in colors in shades of cream, rusty reds, tan and black that will last into late fall.  Very nice for fall decoration and bird feed on the stalk.  Late in the season (100 days),  the sugary juices accumulate in the stems like sugar cane around mid October. A pleasant snack to chew on or crush to produce syrup.  Folks around here are always surprised to try chewing on the stalks.  Our blend has been selected for high sugar stalks as well as decorative seed-heads. Many varieties of historic importance.   (60 seeds) 

Family: Cucurbitaceae (The Melon and Squash Family)

CUCUMBERS (Cucumis sativus)

Cucumber- Kirby (Pickle)

  MASS CROSS- FBF Pickle Cucumber
More than a dozen varieties of small kirby size cucumbers used for salads or whole pickles were mass crossed and and selected at Flanders Bay Farm.  Both white and black spined varieties were used in the cross, all green skin color.  (30 seeds)

Cucumber- Slicer

MASS CROSS- FBF Slicing Cucumber
 These are medium to large long cucumbers that are mostly used as slicers.  More than a dozen standard sized cukes were crossed and then selected at Flanders Bay Farm. These are fine for ground culture especially with drip irrigation.   (30 seeds) 

BLEND- Mixed Cucumbers-All Kinds (we have dozens of cucumbers that we use in our breeding program and these are seeds from out bank)
(40 seeds) 

Cucumber- White

   SELECTIONS- Touch of Gold
Selections from the Cornell cross:  Boothby x Marketmore made to impart greater disease resistance in Boothby, a small creamy white heirloom cuke.  Seed production at Flanders Bay Farm is the result of the Organic Seed Partnership (OSP) which encouraged the development of varieties bred and selected for organic systems.  You may want to eliminate any plants producing non white fruit and select for white cukes (black spine) or harvest the light green- yellowish fruits that sometimes appear and which are quite refreshing. Limited (30 seeds)

    CV-  Long Asian White  OP
This is our open pollinated selection of an Asian long white (white spine) hybrid. Selected for long bright white fruits, slight taper or neck at stem end.  Sample (20 seeds) 

Mexican Sour Gherkin (Melothria scabra)

  CV- Mexican Sour Gherkin
This is now the fourth year that we have produced a crop of the tiny grape-sized gherkins.  Tangy and crunchy when they fall to the ground from their vines, a bit sweeter when harvested before drop.  Some folks like these others don't care for the slight bitterness and chewy skins.  We think they're a nice addition to salads along with cherry tomatoes.  Vines are thread-like but grow in a vigorous sprawl over anything they can climb.  (20 seeds). 

Gherkin (Cucumis anguria)

CV- West India Gherkin
 Roundish soft spined fruit look a bit like hedgehogs are best an inch or so in size.  They are a curiosity to those who never grew them but were one of the most common pickles a century ago.  Fine fresh eating, even better when pickled whole.  Productive vines sprawl over the ground.  Always a hit at the farmstand.  Easy seed crop to produce and won't cross with melons or cucumbers! (30 seeds).


  BLEND- Muskmelons
A very diverse blend of dozens of cantaloupe / muskmelons.  Mostly conventional orange fleshed but also a green fleshed kinds. Netted skins mostly.  Heirlooms, new developments and experimental crosses.  Many of the best.  There is a lot here to select from.  (30 seeds) 

  SELECTIONS- OSP Golden Charentais
Selections from a Cornell cross between a powdery mildew resistant Charentais and the american melon, Golden Gopher.  The selections are still rough and we have introduced more charentais lines in a backcross.  We'll continue to work on perfecting this and invite you to help by sending us a few seeds of any outstanding tasting melon that you raise from this seed.  Seed of the original cross was made available through the courtesy of the Cornell-Nofa-NY Organic Seed Partnership to develop varieties for organic systems. (20 seeds)

CV- Delicious 51
An old development from Cornell grown along with a new release of the popular melon which imparts more disease resistance. Cornell added powdery mildew resistance to Delicious 51 many years ago but the seed wasn't brought into commerce until interest in the organic farming community prompted a few small seed producers to raise a seed crop.  Once again demonstrating the need to reginalize small seed production and get some of the great varieties sitting on breeder's shelves out into the farming community.  Sweet, thick aromatic orange flesh, moderate netted 2-3 lb. fruit are produced early. Our mix is a cross of the old and new so shares some powdery mildew resistance.  (30 seeds) 

BLEND-Italian Cross Cantaloupe
 These are cantaloupes grown by our Italian neighbors in Deer Park, NY who brought the seeds over from near Parma, Italy. Variable, medium large netted, moderately ribbed melons with orange aromatic flesh and excellent flavor.  We added stable, similar disease resistant cultivars from Italy to cross, which will produce some spontaneous F1's, extra vigor and disease resisance in the future.  (30 seeds)

BLEND- Oriental Melon (Cucumis melo )
Our collection of a number of sweet oriental "pear" melons. These have thin edible golden skin sometimes with delicate silver stripes. The crisp white flesh is like as asian pear and makes a nice addition to fruit salads. These are early producers of palm sized oval fruit. One variety of Oriental Melon was sold as "apple pie melon" by an enterprising seed company in the 1800's and used just like sliced apples in a crust.  (20 seeds)

  BLEND- Exotic Melon Blend
Only somewhat exotic, these are crenshaw, honeydew, casaba and a number of other kinds that don't fit your normal definition of "cantaloupe" and are more familiar to gardeners in the warmer southwest.  There are also some interesting crosses that have been made in order to develop more regional lines.  Can't grow the "exotic" melons?  Don't be so sure.  Start them early in peat pots if you have doubts.  There will probably be something in our blend that works for you!   (30 seeds)

Genus: Citrullus
 WATERMELON (Citrullus lanatus)

   BLEND- Watermelon
An assortment of culivars from our seed bank; find out what works for you. (30 seeds)

CROSS: Yellow Fleshed Watermelon Blend

Crosses of the most vigorous cream to yellow to orange watermelons in our seed bank made during the summer of 2010.  Mostly early to midseason kinds; very diverse, all sweet, nice kinds.   (30 seeds)

  SELECTIONS-Crimson Extra Early
Medium sized green stiped skin, slightly oval, sweet red flesh. liseed bred.(20 seeds)

MASS CROSS-Early Moon and Stars Icebox
In 2009 we grew a dozen small, early dark green to black early sweet ice box watermelons and crossed them to the heirloom melon, Moon and Stars. These are all seeds from the female solid green/black icebox melons. Pull out those seedlings (after a few weeks when you are sure the leaves do not display the yellow spots) that do not have the moon and star trait and you will be rewarded with F1 Moon and Star type fruit and we hope a better quality Moon and Stars. Your F2 generation will be even more fun. Curtis Slyvester Showell traded seed with us in the 1980's and sent us a wonderful icebox type Moon and Stars which we lost and this is out attempt to recreate it.(30 seeds)

Genus: Cucurbita
Tender Annual. Allow fruit to develop a hard gourd-like exterior before harvesting for seed. Winter squash are usually harvested at full-ripe stage, summer (immature) squash must be left on the vines to ripen fully. Insect pollinated. Members of the same species will cross.



  BLEND-Summer Moschata
In Asia, Europe and South America these moschata squash were selected for eating at their tender immature stages.  Prepare them as any summer squash.  Less "watery", nutty and sweeter than zucchini according to most people but not as suited for the small garden since these are vining plants. Commercially, people don't know this kind of summer squash so acceptance is not there yet. Summer Moschata types will mature into fruit similar to butternut or a calabazza type squash in a variety of shapes (long, round, bell) and color patterns (tans and mottled greens mostly) which are in same genus.  Very diverse. We may be able to supply separate shapes.  Enjoy.   (20 seeds)

SUMMER SQUASH (Cucurbita pepo)

Squash- Summer- Pepo- Bush
Zucchini Mix

BLEND- Colorful Long Zucchini Mix
 A blend of many kinds of zukes from pale green mid eastern zucchini, striped romanesco types to dark green and even golden zucchini which will produce a nice diversity;  these are open pollinated types of the parent varieties we use in our breeding program.  Mostly compact growth that produces the traditional longer fruit. This will please the zucchini connoisseur in everyone.  Zucchini diversity in a single packet.  (30 seeds) 

Squash- Summer- Pepo- Bush
White/Cream/Lime Green Zucchini

F2 CROSS/ BLEND- White Zucchini Mass Cross
Mass cross and second generation hand crosses between various long white zuchini made during our evaluations of white (pale green) zucchini. These are very productive, mild kinds, favored for their nutty flavor and solid flesh.  (20 seeds)


Squash- Summer- Pepo- Bush
Green Zucchini

F2 CROSS/BLEND- Green Zucchini Mass Cross
Mass cross and second generation hand crosses between dark green (black) zucchini open-pollinated and hybrid disease resistant kinds. You're apt to find enough material here to produce your own fine black zucchini selection. Responses from last years growers indicate that there is disease resistance and excellent vigor under organic culture.    (20 seeds)

C. pepo
Squash- Summer Squash- Pepo- Bush
Yellow Summer Squash

BLEND- Summer Yellow Squash
Old time straightneck and crooknecks favored in the southern U.S., also some productive round and oval kinds, dark yellows, creamy yellow, a possible minor amount of green will appear since some of these are F2 yellows and have some green ancestry.  Mostly bush type growth. (20 seeds)

C. pepo
Summer Squash-Zucchini- OSP Series (PM Success x Romanesco)

  SELECTIONS- OSP Sprawling Greens
The best of the sprawling plants from a selection of Cornell Prolific Zucchini (Success PM x Romanesco) crossed with various green and dark green zucchini.  There will be a great variation in fruit color and even shape.  Yellows, light and dark greens as well as solids and stripes will appear.  There is a better than 50% chance that plants in this mix of crosses will have the sprawling characteristic where the main bush extends harvest by sending out one or more long vines.  Developed through the Organic Seed Partnership to develop new varieties for organic systems, a collaboration between NOFA-NY and Cornell University. Shows some powdery mildew resistance.  These are just great.(20 seeds) 

  SELECTIONS- OSP Sprawling Whites
The best of the sprawling plants from a selection of Cornell Prolific Zucchini (Success PM x Romanesco) crossed with various white, mid eastern type zucchini.  There will be a great variation in fruit color with a tendency to the lighter colors and even shape.  There is a better than 50% chance that plants in this mix of crosses will have the sprawling characteristic where the main bush extends harvest by sending out one or more long vines.  Many people say that the fruit tastes better than conventional zukes. (20 seeds)

  OSP Yellow Stiped and Chartreuse

Developed from the Cornell Cross (Success PM x Romanesco), this is probably one of the more diverse mixtures of zucchini. Colors are typically yellow with white or green stripes or some transition shades like chartreuse. Not selected for the sprawling habit but those genetics are certainly in the mix. (20 seeds) style="font-weight: bold;">

C. pepo
Summer Squash-Zucchini- OSP Series (PM Caserta x Romanesco)

  SELECTION- OSP Super Caserta (Shades of Green)
A very vigorous bush producing beautiful light and dark greens, mostly with striped pattern.  This is a cross of a selection from an unreleased Cornell PM Caserta and Romanesco made for the organic farming community.  Adds powdery mildew resistance and my old favorite Italian squash Caserta (an improved Cocozelle).  A farm-bred line and a result of the Organic Seed Partnership.   Similar striped fruit and higher than average productivity.  Select your best for seed. Very diverse providing lots to work with in your own breeding program. (20 seeds) 

Bush habit. This is a cross of Cornell Super Caserta (PM Caserta x Romanesco) with a long creamy light green mid-eastern kind of zucchini known for it's fine flavor.  Expect a generation of various greens and stripes with subsequent generations of genetic segregation and interesting whites and creams.  (20 seeds)

SELECTIONS- Zephyr Cross

Johnny's Seeds popular Zephyr Summer Squash is the source of this amazing diversity. I would never have guessed the diversity that you get by saving seeds of this summer squash hybrid for a generation and then crossing it with various zucchini squash. Great fun to play with and very fine eating too. You have got to try this if you enjoy adventurous gardening. (30 seeds)

C. pepo
Squash- Summer Squash- Pepo- Bush
Round Summer Squash

  MULTILINE CROSS/BLEND- Orbit Round Zucchini
A complete mix of productive round to oblong zucchini in a variety of colors, light green, dark green and yellow in solid colors and also with mottles, blotches and stripes of contrasting color.  Discover round zucchini beyond Eight Ball.  Market growers should select for better uniformity in shape according to their customer preferences.  Harvest at less than tennis ball size for best quality.  Ping pong sized fruit bring best "gourmet" prices.  Mostly compact to sprawling bush, farm bred at Flanders Bay Farm. We may be able to supply a specific parent color on request.  (25 seeds)

C. pepo
Squash- Summer Squash- Pepo- Bush
Scallop (Patty Pan) Summer Squash

  MULTI-LINE CROSS/BLEND-Asteroids Scallop
Start with bright white, cream, light yellow, dark yellow, dark green, light green scallop squash, cross and select over several years and what do you get- Asteroids!  Includes a wide spectrum of colors.  Most flattened and scalloped but also flat rounded to inflated round kinds.  Use these when they are less than tennis ball size for the best quality.  We continue to refine selections from this blend for release as specific varieties in the future. We may be able to supply a specific color parent for your breeding program on request.  Mostly compact to sprawling bush. (25 seeds)

C. pepo
Squash- Summer Squash- Pepo- Vining
Vining Zucchini

BLEND/F1, F2 CROSSES-Trailing Summer Squash Crosses (vining)
This is a vining summer squash mixture that will produce different shapes and sizes and some increased variation in color and productivity. Includes Long Green Trailing and Table Dainty F1 and F2 crosses with a number of other summer squash mostly with bush habit such as Black Beauty Zucchini.  These are experimental hand crosses. Shades of green mostly. F1 generation of some vining crosses will be bush since vining in this group is largely a recessive character.  F2 generation should produce considerable variation  including many viners.   (20 seeds)

    ENGLISH HEIRLOOM- Long Green Black Trailing (vining)
This is an English Marrow;  large, heavy, generally dark green squash which can be harvested young such as zucchini or allowed to mature more and baked in the tradition of a marrow at which time fruit is greenish black.  Rampant vines prefer rich soil and good growing conditions. (10 seeds)

  ENGLISH HEIRLOOM- Table Dainty Squash (vining)
An English Marrow, smaller green and white striped, smooth, cylindric fruits on vigorous vines.  Harvest young like zucchini, bake with olive oil, cheese and bread crumbs while the skin is tender. (10 seeds).

  NATIVE- Tatume Summer Squash (vining)
 Slightly oval green medium sized pumpkin-like squash (turns orange at maturity) is harvested young and it prepared as any summer squash.  Many prefer Tatume over conventional zucchini.  Makes large 5" diameter slices for grilling.  This is a Mexican squash which was popular in the southwest before commercial sources stopped marketing it in the U.S.  Tatume is of interest because it is more tolerant of drought and heat.  Small vines root at each node tapping limited resources and making it difficult for squash borers to take the plant down. (10 seeds)

F1 CROSS- Little Gem x Tatume (vining)
A nice flavorful and productive summer squash bigger than the South African Gem Squash and combining the best of two frugal squash varieties.  An outstanding development that may be well suited to difficult agricultural locations.  (10 seeds)

  Blend F2 -Tatume Crosses (vining)
We made crosses with Tatume as one parent and and several bush zucchini summer squash are the other parent; Tatume x (Caserta, Dark Green, Bianca, Yellow and others) and then selfed the F1's.    Expect quite a bit of variation and the potential to develop the ultimate disease, insect and drought resisant zucchini.  Tatume is acclaimed for it's resiliant nature which makes it a nice squash for organic systems.  F1's had long zucchini shapes, nice colors and patterns and bush habit but should segregate to produce Tatume-like ovals as well as vine characteristics in this F2 mix.  Remember, this is an F2 and you can expect a lot of variation.  We are quite excited about this mix. Separate phenotypes in photo are available. Inquire.(10 seeds)

Fall/ Winter Squash- Various Cucurbita Species

Squash- Winter- C. maxima- Hubbard

     MASS CROSS-  Miniature Hubbard Color Blend
We have been working with Hubbard Squashes in shades of blue-gray, pink-orange and green-black for quite some time.  They should produce mostly the characteristic bumpy football shapes in a magnificent color range and mostly in the 5-10 pound range; many the results of de-hybridizing and crosses.  This has proved to be unstable and variable in size and shape but has resulted in fine flesh characteristics. We may be able to provide a specific color and size since we keep phenotypes separate.   (25 seeds) 

Squash- Winter- C. maxima- Kabocha Type (Round Pumpkins)

   BLEND- Kabocha Mix
Culinary squash that are  staples in Asia and Austrailia and now quite well known in the U.S. because of Rob Johnson of Johnny's Seeds who introduced many of us to this fine squash and made it better through his breeding efforts.  Slightly flattened round squash in shades of green, gray and orange, mostly buttercup quality with very little or no button or cup (similar to Sweet Mamma).  All small and medium sizes.  (20 seeds)

Squash- Winter- C. Moschata
Butternut and Neck Pumpkin

  CROSS- Ultra x Neck Pumpkin
We are out of the Ultra F2 shown in the photograph but we have it's genetics in this mix of mostly huge cylindric light tan butternut-like squash often with necks and sometimes with bulbous bases. Expect amazing variation in fruit since this is third generation and backcrossed.  Sweet solid orange flesh, excellent for pies, soup, roasting. Our local baker of pies (Wally Krieg in Hampton Bays, NY) finds this cross the finest for his pumpkin filling and easier to work with than the L.I. Cheese.(30 seeds) 

Squash- Winter- C. Pepo
Acorn Squash

  Mix/ F2/F3 -  Acorn Gene Pool
Bush and vining kinds, mostly selfs of F2's and F3's and OP's grown out from a mass cross of many breeding lines with the objective of developing stable varieties.  You can get a sense of the variation in this mix from the photo on our Acorn Squash "Rambling". We may be able to provide specific kinds from the photo since we keep lines for each phenotype separate. Let us know what you are looking for.  Always expect a percentage of oddities.  Selected for disease resistance, flavor and diversity of skin color. (25 seeds). 

Squash- Winter- C. pepo
Delicata Squash

BLEND- Delicata Squash Mix
Delightful small elongate squash which look a bit like a plump over-ripe cucumber.  They are typically striped white and green perhaps turning tan and orange with age, some variation in color.  They are really very closely related to an acorn squash and you'll notice similarities.  The best fruit matures to have sweet and nutty orange interior which bake into a custardy smoothness.  Sometimes known as sweet potato squash.  There are a number of breeding lines included here. (30 seeds) 

CV-Long Island Delicata
Small striped white and green turning tan with age, some variation in color.  This is our selection which we have maintained for 20 years but have never released. It is nutty but not sweet and bakes up like custard. Eat it all. (20 seeds) 

Squash- Winter- C. pepo
Spaghetti Squash

BLEND- Spaghetti Squash
Several breeding lines, all stringy spaghetti squash that can be used  accordingly.  Various sizes, cream, tan and orange skins, oval, smooth and pumpkin-like.  It would be easy to develop from this mix a small ornamental egg shaped gourd for painting (smooth skin) with the added value of a microwavable vegetable spaghetti when the art work is complete.  Included is our "sweet acorn spaghetti F2".  (20 seeds)

Pumpkins (various species)

Pumpkin- C. Maxima

   BLEND-  Medium Pumpkins: Maxima Mix
A blend of F1 and F2 hybrids between several maxima pumpkins that will produce pumpkins of various sizes, small to medium size, and varying degrees of roundness;  round whites as well as some interesting off kinds such as grays and salmons. Parents are known for their good baking quality.   There may be a minor amount of Buttercup and Turk's Turban crossing in this mix which is intentional.  If you see an odd variation of fruit with a large button we would like to have some seed returned since we are looking to increase the diversity of turban squash (see below).  (15 seeds)

  HEIRLOOM- Turks Turban Mix

Ornamental, large orange squash with buttons of white often streaked with green.  Very pretty buttercup like squash with fair eating quality.  We grew Turk's Turban in close proximity to our small white maxima pumpkins and also crossed them with outstanding kabocha kinds.  If you see what appears to be the result of such crossing, turban kinds that differ from the usual Turk's you should save the seed.  We would appreciate it if you would send us a few seed. (15 seeds)

Pumpkin- C. Moschata
Cheese Pumplins

  HEIRLOOM- Long Island Cheese
Selected for medium large size fruit with shallow to moderate ribbing, light tan skin.  Although of good quality for pies, most people enjoy these as a decorative fall squash.  Developed as a commercial variety from a number of farm selections obtained on Long Island many years after the cheese pumpkin was dropped from commerce and farmers had begun to make their own selections.   (20 seeds)

  CV- French Cheese aka Fairytale, Muscade de Provence
A heavy tan cheese pumpkin with very prominant ribbing.  This selection matures to a solid tan with chestnut overtones. (15 seeds)

Mass Cross- Cheese Pumpkin Mass Cross
This is a new project we embarked on last summer when we allowed several breeding lines of Cheese Pumpkins to cross.  Included are various sizes, mostly tan kinds including American heirlooms, the South America Calabazza, little Japanese Ridged Cheese and the French Cheese types.  All round and flattened cheese shapes.  Terrific material to start your own breeding program. You may want to select for thickness of flesh, deep orange color, earliness, roundness, fall is all here.  These will be a blend of OP's and F1 hybrids.  (15 seeds)

Pumpkin- C. Pepo
Naked Seed Pumpkins

   MASS CROSS-Naked Seed Pumpkin Blend
This is an experimental blend and also very diverse from the breeding program at Flanders Bay Farm where we maintain over a dozen breeding lines of naked seed pumpkins.  The size of these pumpkins vary from less than a pound to more than ten pounds with green stripes like Styrian to solid orange and with variable flesh types, mostly inedible.  The seed is varied in size with various degrees of reduced testa.  The seeds are a wonderful snack. Caution: like most our what we make available, expect odd shapes and varied seed quality;  (30 seeds)

   SELECTION-  Little Greenseed
This stout-handled little pumpkin has Baby Pam in it's pedigree.  The 3-4 pound pumpkins have light orange flecked skin which is tough and resistant to fruit rotting.  The interior is loaded with edible hulless seeds which are dark green in color, plump and more flavorful that those "naked seed" pumpkins that have residual shells.  "Little Greenseed" may become your favorite snackseed pumpkin.  We grew a large seed crop in 2010 which showed very good uniformiuty. Developed on Flanders Bay Farm.(20 seeds)

Pumpkin- C. Pepo
Miniature Ornamental Edible

   SELECTIONS/BLEND-  Ornamental Edible Miniatures
A blend of F2's and F3's from liseed project selfed to begin developing stabilized varieties in the future.  Long Island Seed Project has been working with the genetics of Baby Boo, Sweet Dumpling and Jack-Be-Little for several years to produce a very diverse mixture of miniature pumpkins under a pound each.  While they tend to be larger than Baby Boo some will have more of a dumpling shape, others resemble Jack-Be-Little.  All edible, some very sweet and "choice".  You will have to select for the characteristics you find most pleasing.  Expect some oddities and off kinds. We keep all the lines separate so if you have a preference for something specific let us know.  (15 seeds)

Pumpkin- C. pepo
White Halloween Pumpkins

  CV-Pumpkin- White Pepo aka Cotton Candy
Reintroduced from the USDA seed bank by Rupp Seed Company.  Very nice medium sized pumpkin which is under 10 pounds (20 seeds).

  GHOST PUMPKIN MIX-  Cotton Candy x Baby Boo F2, F3
We released "Ghost" several years ago; the F1 hybrid but we have moved on to the more recent will have to make your own cross if you want the original "Ghost"! What we offer here is a mixture of small and mid-sized white pepo pumpkins should result in some very interesting and novel developments.  These were mostly selfed to start the process of producing stabilized varieties.  Bush and vining characteristics, expect a percentage of oddities.  (10 seeds)

Pumpkin- C. pepo
Various Halloween Pumpkins

F2  SELECTION- Bumpy Orange Pumpkin
Start with the White Acorn Cross and add a very sweet warty round orange heirloom. We have hopes that an Orange Acorn Cross will someday stabilize into a beautiful and unique Halloween Pumpkin. You can help. Save seeds of the best for your next crop. Edible quality.  (20 seeds).

  SELECT BLEND:  Edible Pumpkin/Gourds Mix
Includes: F2 Crosses and all ready to give rise to diversity.  Althought we placed photographs of the F1 parents below, you may not get offspring that bear too much resemblance to the photograph.  Dark Wings, Warty Striped Pear, Dark Green Pumpkin, Round Gold, Round Moss Green, Oval Green Stripe, Orange Stripe Pumpkin, Little Orange Stripe Pear, Big Orange Stripe Pear. If you have a preference for one of the illustrated parents instead of the mix, let us know.  Expect the unexpected in the ultimate pepe pumpkin assortment  Can be used as a fine summer squash when immature or a winter squash at maturity and, of course, all your fall decoration needs! Quite a versatile assortment.   (20 seeds).


Luffa (Luffa ægyptiaca/ acutangula)
  BLEND- Edible Luffa Mix
These produce great vining plants with large yellow flowers and interesting long fruit that is harvested when young before the interior becomes fibrous.  There is some diversity here and you should see ridged fruit and smooth fruit, heirlooms and new asian varieties.  All are considered to be fine culinary varieties, not best for preparation of luffa sponge. (15 seeds)

Genus: Lagenaria

Edible Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria / leucantha)

Edible Gourd, Opu, White Flower Bottle Gourd, calabash
Tender Annual.  Requires a long season.  A group of bottle gourds also some fine eating edible gourd picked young and before tender skin becomes a hard shell.  Rampant vines.  Night blooming white flowers. 

  BLEND- Edible Gourd Mix
Rampant vines produce night blooming white flowers.  Lagenaria gourds are much appreciated in China, India and Italy for their tender firm light green fruit.  There are round kinds, oval 12" kinds, medium long and serpent shaped to over 3 ft.  Although they can be cured for interesting utensils, all the varieties in our blend are fine culinary quality. We try to include many forms of in your packet.   (15 seeds)

Family: Solanaceae (The Nightshade family)
SOLENACEA FAMILY (Eggplant, Pepper, Tomato, Tomatillo )

Pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Pepper- Sweet

BLEND- Sweet Pepper Blend
An amazing blend of many kinds of sweet peppers; bells, fryers, salad kinds.  We have dozens of different kinds in our seed bank.  Diversity without the heat.  A packet of the Hot Pepper Blend along with this one will give you about 50 different kinds of peppers!  (30 seeds)

  F3 CROSS- Long Island Belle
A medium-small dark green bell shaped pepper ripens to red on a low sprawling bush.  We found this to be a stand out because of the productivity under poor growing conditions and the quality of the fruit left on the plant for extending periods. Still some variabilty but I believe for folks that can't usually grow bell peppers this little beauty offers hope. Developed at Flanders Bay Farm.   (20 seeds)

  F3 CROSS-  Little Bell
These are yellow or light green, ripening to red.  All mild to sweet.  Productive and vigorous peppers that originally came from Gypsy F1 crosses and are good for early yields of pickling, frying or salad.  We have selected a small bell form. Compares favorably with "Gypsy" if you don't mind some variability.  (30 seeds)

CV - Chacha Sweet
A small, wedge shaped thick-fleshed sweet pepper that is best eaten when it turns bright red although it is fine in salads at any time. Similar to Hotcha which is our offering of a hot version. A very prolific plant. Developed on Flanders Bay Farm.(20 seeds)

CV-Mild Pepper- NuMex Sweet
Very mild, medium sized chile to 6 x2", often used when green. The basic variety ripens to a dark green/reddish color, but other strains ripen to full red. They are one of the most common chilies in the United States. Strung together and dried, used to make ristras, ground for chili powder or paprika. (30 seeds)

BLEND- Sweet Italian Frying Pepper Blend
These are used mostly as frying peppers, walls are thin to moderately thick and consist of many long kinds that are dark green and ripen to red.  If any heat, it will be very mild, less than 600 scoville units. Many very sweet, fruity and flavorful especially at te red ripe stage.  (30 seeds)

  CV- Long Island Select Italian Sweet Fryer
Our extra nice selection of long straight Italian Frying Pepper which is sweet and flavorful. Plants are productive and seem quite resistant to diseases. (20 seeds)

  CV- Sweet Cherry
Small plants bear a multitude of thick walled sweet dark green cherry peppers which ripen to bright red.  Good pickling, great stuffed peppers, fine sliced fresh into salads.  (20 seeds)

Pepper (Capsicum annuum or C. chinense)
Pepper- Sweet
Mild Sweet to Subtle Heat

  CV- Flanders Bay Frying Pepper
This is actually a japonica type selection from the dehybridization of Mexibell, a hybrid marketed as a hot bell pepper. We like these pan seared (especially on the outdoor grill) with olive oil until the skin begins to brown, salted and then eaten whole by holding the stem.  Friends can't get enough.  Thin fleshed, moderately ribbed and shaped like a stubby finger.  Mostly sweet and mild- but expect some variability.  Used young in the green stage is best. (20 seeds)

  CV- BLEND- Suave Mix ( Capsicum chinense x)
A mix of beautiful thin walled lantern shaped pepper with very little heat but a wonderful fruity aroma and flavor.  Ripens to bright red, yellow or orange 2" crumpled semi bell shapes.  This is a very late bearing pepper (similar to other habanero types) so it requires an early start or a long season.  One of our favorites to freeze and crumble into chili, stews, sauces and stir fry.  The taste of the habanero but with little of the heat. Wonderful warm, fruity, fragrant and flavorful in a bright red color.  Developed from the University of New Mexico's terrific Suave Red Pepper. (10 seeds)

  CV- Flanders Bay Purple Horn
This is a kind of medium sized bull horn pepper, slightly creased but long and wide.  A good producer, not from Italy, it was developed from an asian hybrid kind.  Generally sweet and mild but mature peppers may reveal a bit of spice and hotness especially around the seed cavity. Green to purple to red. A productive purple pepper for a nice splash of color and a "kick" in salads. (20 seeds)

CV- Cheiro Cross ( Capsicum chinense x)
What happens with a small 1 inch mostly oval (not cherry shape) pepper from Brazil meets Suave Red. Mature bright cherry red peppers are very mild and fragrant and absoltely of the finest flavor for a taste of the Caribbean in your pepper sauces.  Needs an early start since it bears only toward the end of the season.   A winning culinary variety developed at Flanders Bay Farm.   (10 seeds) 

Pepper (Capsicum annuum or C. chinense)
Hot peppers

BLEND- Hot Pepper Blend
A very diverse mixture of dozens (yes, dozens) of varieties from our seed bank; some common, and some quite rare.  Often, each seed in the packet will produce a different variety  (every seed counts).  You'll enjoy the variety as you sample the flavors and explore new uses.  Remember to let a fruit completely ripen on the plants that you like the best so that you can save the seeds of the varieties that you enjoy.   (30 seeds)

  BLEND-Hot Cayenne Color Blend
Just long, skinny cayenne peppers of a number of varieties, each which ripen from green to one of these colors:  yellow, red, or orange.  This blend creates an attractive display in the garden or on your farm-stand.  Expect variation in plant habit and days to maturity. Really beautiful but matures a bit late. (20 seeds)

CV- Red Cayenne (10 seeds)

CV- Orange Cayenne (10 seeds)

CV- Yellow Cayenne (10 seeds)

CV- Early Dwarf Cayenne
The very short plants (8") produce many long narrow flavorful and medium hot red cayenne type peppers which average 4" and often touch the ground as they mature.  The earliest of the cayenne-type peppers.  This is a liseed de-hybridization of an Asian variety.  (20 seeds) 

CV-Long Island Cayenne

A nice discovery among the Early Dwarf Cayennes; a wider, longer cayenne with the same early bearing productivity on dwarf plants. An improved cayenne with a hint of szechwan flavor and a chili sized fruit that has become a big hit on the farm. (20 seeds)

BLEND- Hot Italian Frying Blend
We have allowed these varieties to cross with one another and then add more varieties as we find them.  All are long, somewhat skinny (under 2"), smooth or wrinkled and generally have moderate flesh thickness which is ideal for making fried peppers quickly.  We like hot fried peppers in sauces, on pizza, in omelets, with sausage and onions and in a pot of chili. Find your own special strain that produces the best for you in the seed blend we provide for you.   (30 seeds) 

BLEND- New Mexico Chili Blend
Large conical fruit (2" x 6-7") often dried in ristras for later use ground into chili powder. When green or mature can be used in sauces acclaimed in the southwest. We make a wonderful hot simmering sauce from our tomatillos, these fresh green chilis, onions and chicken stock which goes great with just about anything.  Our blend consists of a number of sweet and mild to some like it hot varieties and crosses; many developed at the University of New Mexico.  Large productive plants. Very beautiful with ripe fruit. (30 seeds)

CV- Pico de Gallo
Tall bushy plants  to 24" produce many thin 1 inch hanging green fruit ripening to red.  Bears rather late. The fruit is very hot and aromatic. Collected and introduced by Native Seed Search, =Tuscon, AZ.  (20 seeds) 

CV- Little Red Cherry Pepper
Attracive, productive, mild hot and small, 1/2 inch.  Seedy.   (20 seeds)

CV-Yasufasa/Chicken Claw
Clusters of small thin candle-like peppers stick upward at the terminus of each stem, red fruit at maturity.  (20 seeds) 

CV- Hotcha Red
A small wedge-shaped thick flesh hot pepper of very good flavor.  Bright red when ripe.  We have been working with several lines from various sources, this is a good liseed selection. (20 seeds)

  BLEND- Habanero Type Blend (Capsicum chinense)
A mixture of caribbean type peppers used in making flavorful sauces.  These are thin fleshed and consist of variations of scotch bonnet, habanero and savinia types.  Many colors and shapes, some variety in flavor but mostly just very, very hot.  (30 seeds) 

  CV-Lemon Hot Pepper (Capsicum baccatum)
Branching bush to 24". loaded late in season with many green to bright yellow 2" long peppers which are very hot but have citrus overtones (20 seeds).

BLEND- Ornamental Mix
If you enjoy ornamental peppers of various colors, shapes and sizes, some with purple foliage, short and tall, this is a nice moderately diverse assortment from our collection.  They are edible but usually hot and not of the best quality, mostly used as for an attractive planting in beds, planters or pots.  Not grown in isolation so haphazard crossing should show good diversity.  (30 seeds)


TOMATOES (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Very large fruited kinds, beefsteak types and flavorful heirlooms

     BLEND-Large Beefsteak Types Mixed
A blend of large fruited tomatoes, mostly the big red and pink squat tomatoes that I continue to select but also some heirloom kinds I like because they are big, meaty and flavorful. Yes, Brandywine and Ruby Gold selections are included. (30 seeds)

Main Crop Standards-yellow, orange, red and pink, 2-3" round. These are really outperforming other tomatoes I hear from the chatter of the local gardening circles. They do for us and that is why we keep selecting out the best. Great all-purpose medium sized slicing tomatoes.  We grow separate patches of red, pink and golden fruited tomatoes and select each color type so that you can enjoy a long harvest of smooth, round fruit.  Yes, there will be variation and that will allow you a greater chance to discover the tomato that performs best in your garden and has the qualities that you want.  Save the seed of your best performers.  Indeterminant for caging or ground culture. 

BLEND: Main Crop Standard Mix
Medium size to large slicers, mostly indeterminate plants which are productive.  Yellows, Oranges, Reds, Pinks and Crimsons are blended together. These days, I spend most of my time with tomatoes with this tried and true group of my favorites. (30 seeds) 

   BLEND: Gold Standards
Bright shades of yellow and orange fruit on indeterminate plants that bear over a long summer. (20 seeds)

  BLEND: Red Standards
Perfect round, red beautiful fruit for all purposes perform well in tall wire cages or ground cultured.  (20 seeds)

  BLEND: Pink Standards 
Pinks and Crimsons, on tall vines that keep producing delicious, round fruit.(20 seeds) 

BLEND: Zebra Mix
A mix of two favorite modern tomatoes, Tom Wagner's Green Zebra and Thompson and Morgan's Tigerella (Mr. Stripey).  No, they're not heirlooms but they are great salad tomatoes, about 2-3 inches in size;   tangy, flavorful and appealing. Breeder, Tom Wagner who developed "Green Zebra" in the 1980's calls these kinds of tomatoes "Heirlooms by Descent (ABD's), Tom writes on his blog on breeding,"tater-mater" ,“Heirloom by Descent” is my way of saying, I have a great respect for the varieties of yesteryear, be it tomatoes or potatoes in my case; however, I am asking for your understanding, yea, encouragement for taking our heritage to the next level of treasured living things: Seeds of descendancies!" Green Zebra has certainly become one of America's most favorite tomatoes and Tom should feel a great satisfaction for that. We urge you to visit his website and support his work. (30 seeds)

Saladette or Cluster Types

  BLEND- Cluster Tomatoes Mixed
These are 2 inch tomatoes in yellow, orange and red colors borne in trusses and developed for greenhouse culture originally.  All F2 and F3 hybrid indeterminates on the road to open pollinated, field strains.  Attractive but most are not particularly flavorful.  Initial work at FBF; requires additional work. (30 seeds)

Determinate Small Fruited Kinds

CV:  Raymond's Canada Extra Early
A small tomato on a compact determinate normal leaf plant, sort of like Sub Arctic Maxi but earlier to fruit, larger fruit, better tasting, more productive over a longer period and resistant to early blight.  We received this tomato from collector Raymond Traitt from Montreal, Canada.  Raymond was a retired postal worker who lived in an apartment.  While he didn't have room to grow the tomatoes, he embarked on a personal crusade to rescue a large number of Canadian bred varieties when he saw the need.   (20 seeds)

Cherry and Cherry-Plum Types

BLEND- Miniature Tomatoes Mixed
Many different kinds, round, oval, plums and pears, many colors and flavors, a very diverse blend of small cocktail tomatoes from 1/4" to 1". There are dozens of varieties here some from my other seed saving buddies. Includes Me Tarzan and Be My Baby Gene Pool. Usually very productive, mostly indeterminate growth.  (30 seeds)

  SELECTIONS:  FBF Miniature Sweet Tomatoes
Sweet cherry and grape tomatoes that started as hybrids but have stabilized at Flanders Bay Farm to produce a terrific assortment of the sweetest of the small round cherry and grape/plum kinds. Sustainable non hybrid high brix tomatoes in red, orange and pink.  Various colors.  Sprawling vines can be caged or staked. These vines are real troopers and are among the most disease resistant tomatoes we have produced. They will bear non-stop all season long. We use them in salads and in sauces and since we grow them in the front garden, they produce an endless snacking tomato for visitors.(30 seeds) 

Dwarf Champion Types
Tomatoes- HR trait, heavy stem, rugose foliage plants resemble bonsai and are attractive in pots and planters.  When they produce fruit they should be staked.  Most always dwarf and compact plants but can become overloaded with fruit.  Some new indeterminate genetics (mostly unintentional) have given these the ability to bear over a longer period.

  BLEND- Dwarf Champion Mix
This mix of three or four different kinds will produce small mostly 1 1/2- 2 inch salad tomatoes in red, orange, yellow, pink and green colors.  This group is related to the "Stakeless or Champion Types" popular in the late 1800's and now known as patio type tomatoes.  The plants have thick main stems, dark green rugose foliage and will grow to about 20" or so.  Good for patio or tub culture, we think a stake is in order to keep the plants which become loaded with tomatoes from tipping over.  Look for oddities in color and fruit shape since these are known outcrossers which we encourage. (20 seeds)

  SELECTION- Red Bullet
An outcross selected and named by Bill Jeffers from Dwarf Champion Mix.  Bill sent us some seed which we grew out and found that the fruit is variable from distinct cone-shape to oval.  One of the "ramblings" has a photo that shows the characteristic foliage of Dwarf Patio Tomatoes.  Red Bullet is one of the most prolific bearers.  They began producing in July and were still going in October.  That is quite unusual for this kind of tomato. Without Bill's sharp eye, this novel trait could have been lost.  (10 seeds)

SELECTION- Dwarf Orange
Another stakeless type, small fruit.  We selected this productive one from F2's of the hybrid, Orange Patio F1.  Pleasant warm orange fruit on branching dwarf plants. (10 seeds)

  BLEND-Long Island Dwarfs Mix
Small red, yellow and pink cherry tomatoes on very dwarf 12", branching plants, stocky stem, dark rugose foliage, possible basket or tub culture specimen. I presume that because we were early collectors of this group of tomatoes and have maintained a large collection through the years at Long Island Seed people began to call them the "Long Island Dwarfs"!(20 seeds)

Currant and Currant Crosses (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium)

  HEIRLOOM- Alberto's Currant
This is one of the true currant tomatoes, the world's smallest tomato. Pea sized. More primitive than others, it's fruit shatters and falls to the ground when ripe or near ripe. Crunchy in salads imparts a great texture but not sweet or flavorful. We are developing harvest techniques that take advantage of the shattering characteristic since currant tomatoes are tedious to harvest. (10 seeds)

  BLEND-  Currant Crosses: All Colors
A mixture of yellow, orange, near white, pink and red currant types that are small cherry size (less than a half inch and smaller).  Crunchy, variable in flavor, all good salad types, some better than others.  (30 seeds) 

  BLEND-  Most Excellent Red and Yellow Currant
A mix of our finest sweet yellow and sweet red currants.  These have current genetics but actually currant/cherry crosses and are not pure currant tomatoes.  Among the best of the flavorful kinds.  (30 seeds) 

Eggplant: (Solanum melongena)

     BLEND-Eggplant Mix

Interesting mix of a dozen kinds, quality culinary kinds from Europe, America and the Orient. White, purple, pink, green, striped, long and round kinds. Save the best performers to work on developing your own.   (30 seeds) 

Physalis and other Solenaceae

Husk Cherry - (P. pruinosa)

  CV- Long Island Ground Cherry
Self sowing ground cherry that produces well branched bushes to 20", husks turn green to tan and drop, the firm yellow fruit inside are sweet with what most agree is a refreshing pineapple flavor. Produces earlier if you start the seeds indoors like tomatoes 4 weeks prior to the last spring frost date and then wait another two weeks before you transplant into a warm soil. (30 seeds) 

Tomatillo  - (P. ixocarpa)

   BLEND-Tomatillo Mix
Seeds collected from the best of our farm trials; included are flavorful little green tomatillos, medium sized sweet yellow kinds and very large green kinds and one or two purple types.  We enjoy them chopped up into salsa.  Folks often comment about the rampant vining plants of some varieties with the inflated balloon-like husks.  Harvest when husks start to dry and lose green color. The ripe fruit generally will drop. (30 seeds) 


Garden Nightshades

  CV-  Garden Huckleberry (Solanum nigrum var. melanocerasum)
Sure, it's Black Nightshade.  Does it make us feel unethical distributing seed of it?   Maybe, a little.  But many folks tell us how much they enjoy this edible variety of black nightshade for it's big berries produced in piefuls by sprawling plants when cooked with a squeeze of lemon, a handful of sugar and a pinch of baking soda.  Raw?  I didn't become sick but I certainly didn't enjoy these berries.  Call me a food snob, I live for real huckleberries. We have some seed from a past crop. (50 seeds)

  CV-  Burbank Sunberry (Solanum burbankii)
Historically interesting and a controvertial plant said to be an interspecies nightshade hybrid developed by Luther Burbank.  The Sunberry has a very similar taste to the Chichiquelite. We have some seed from a past seedcrop. (50 seeds)

  CV- Chichiberry (Chichiquelite)  (Solanum nigrum var. guineense)
The small, pleasant flavored nightshade fruits have some fruitiness and an odd complexity fresh off the plant.  Probably Solanum nigrum var. guineense - L. from western Africa but introduced to Mexico.  This is presumed to be one of the parents of Luther Burbank's Sunberry.  The berries of the Chichiquelite have been used for pies, cobblers, sweet preserves and even wines. Six plants kept us in mock blueberry pies all summer. I like real blueberries but my pie-eating guests thought they were just fine. No one became sick...who would think.
(50 seeds)

Chinese Wolfberry/Goji

  CV-  Mixed Wolfberry (Lycium spp)
Thanks to John Farina (a modern day Nikolai Vavilov) and his treks in search of Goji Berry diversity, we again have some extra seed to share with those who are interested in selecting from this diverse material from many sources. The former batch of seed has been distributed to many project members and we have a new batch of seed from John's visits to Chinatown and also from our own berries. Our first group of plants in the field is showing quite a bit of diversity and are beginning to produce berries, now in year four of the project. They germinate like tomato seed but produce weak seedlings that need a lot of care until the second year when they become very robust. (50 seeds)  

Solanaceae: Tobaccum

MIXED: Tobacco- Many Kinds(Nicotiana tobaccum)
Sent to me by Alan Bishop who is a young and energetic farmer-breeder in Southern Indiana. Why is it that I am so fascinated with tobacco that this non smoker grows it year after year? It's a magnificent plant with an incredible history! Alan Bishop explains it better than I could. See "Alan's Blog 'Tobacco' " Alan pays homage to past generations of tobacco farmers with this "new" tobacco variety as well as his interest in keeping traditional tobacco processing methods alive. Breeder Seeds. A very diverse assortment which looks amazing in the garden. (100 seeds)

Tobacco- Tobaccum rustica NATIVE: Rustica

Tobacco of the Native Americans; different species than commercial tobacco; this is a short plant with bell-shaped greenish flowers. High in nicotine; toxic. (75 seeds)

Family: Martyniaceae

sorry, not this year. Check Native Seed Search in Tuscon as a source.

Thank you for your interest in our seeds! **********************************************************************************
The seed-list is a work in progress. Keep watching as it becomes refined with better descriptions, up to date additions and deletions.  All photos taken at Flanders Bay Farm. **********************************************************************************

Last Modified:  Feb., 2011